[[Wikis]] and Warriors

Gaming, the web, and everything in-between.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Japanese Virtual Console gets two new systems

Japanese Wii owners are quite the lucky folk, as word hit today that the Wii's Virtual Console service in Japan will be getting games for the NEO GEO and MSX systems.It's unclear whether other regions will get these systems. While the NEO GEO had English games the MSX did not, and unless they choose to translate the games it's unlikely MSX titles will be available outside Japan at all.

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PS3 is proof positive: bad things happen when gaming isn't the focus

This article estimates the cost of the Emotion Engine in the PS3 at $27. That's the chief hardware component providing PS2 backwards compatibility. Did Sony just jack with the PS3 over $27? Even if the cost were twice as much, would it be worth it?Hardware emulation is always superior to software emulation (heck, sometimes PC games don't even run correctly on a newer version of DirectX), so Sony will be receiving even more flak in the future.What makes it more puzzling is the prospected price drops. If Sony is already selling at a loss, and lowering the price means they sell at a greater loss, why not drop the price by $27 less and keep the hardware emulation?

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My name is Bob and I'm an angry gamer.

Tips for the angry gamer and the people living with one. Read this article now before you break another controller.

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CONFIRMED: Ocarina of Time. Virtual Console (US). This Monday.

We all saw this coming, but now it's confirmed. Yes, Ocarina of Time is coming to the Virtual Console in North America. The game will be available on Monday for 1,000 Wii Points (that's US$10).

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Sony Song: "How to Kill a Brand"

Using a slideshow of PS3 images combined with new lyrics to the annoying "How to Save a Life" song by The Fray, this is the best anti-Sony fanboy music video ever. Blu-ray low blows, the condemning of Killzone 1 and 2, online arguments - it's all there. This will be a hard fanboy project to top.

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